Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) is a program to ensure that beef and dairy cattle are maintained in a manner which will result in a safe and wholesome beef product for the consumer. This is the definition and the goal of BQA. Specifically, BQA is designed to enhance carcass quality by preventing residues, pathogen contamination and carcass defects such as injection site blemishes and bruises. The Pennsylvania BQA Certification Program is based on recommended national guidelines and scientific research. This will enable beef producers to enhance their product and maximize marketability.

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100% Grass-fed on:

Best Management Practice
Best management practices (BMP) in BQA (BEEF Quality Assurance), are documented actions intended to maximize consistency, Humane handeling and repeatability of outcomes from your individual process. Production of BQA Certifed Cattle will benefit from implementation of general BMPs and BQA guidelines. However, BQA producers face additional challenges due to choosing not to use specific technologies common in "conventional" beef production. In "Natural BEEF Production" we are not allowed to use growth promoting implants and animal derived feedstuffs.
The following BMPs focus on health and nutrition for our natural beef production. These are areas of special attention that are practiced on all BQA beef production farms. Enlisting veterinary and nutritional assistance from professionals with experience in your operations (or a similar one) is strongly recommended. A written HACCP-like program should be developed including a complete set of records documenting source and process verification, preventive health practices, feeding performance, medical history, disposition of animals that fallout of the BMP or BQA program and carcass value for use in an ongoing continuous improvement process.
The Kuhn Family Farms Animal Health BMPs:
Our health program has been reviewed with our qualified veterinarians, who are familiar with our operation.
At THE KUHN FAMILY FARM all of our cattle are "Naturally" weaned. We let the calf wean itself. It's less stressful on the calf.
"Banding" of the bull calves is done when they are 6 months old. This also is much less stressful on the calf than castration.
All our cattle are treated for internal parasites in June and November with a free-choice de-worming block for 3 day's.
Our Nutritional BMPs:
Our nutritional program was reviewed with a qualified nutritionist experienced with our type of BEEFALO Cattle operation.
Free-choice Hay and clean water are always available when the cattle are either out on rotational pastures or in the barn during inclimate weather.
Our overall nutritional program is very simple. It was developed with the intent of optimizing health and performance based off of the age, maternity time period, weight and weather.
Routine monitoring of dry hay quality and ample pasture re-growth to assure quality, and avoidance of substances introduced into the pastures such as wind blown debris from surrounding farms (Ag Bag plastic), and road litter (Beer can's on Sunday mornings), is closely monitored.
Our Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), are written and frequently reviewed to insure hay, supplements such as Mol-Mag Pasture Mineral Blocks, water, equipment and handling facilities contamination with unapproved substances does not occur.
Consumers who choose natural beef expect the growers of those cattle to adhere to methods that promote the health and welfare of humans, animals and the environment. Their standards are high, making the opportunity to produce 100% Grass-fed natural beef a great one. Fortunately, there are scientifically proven products and best management practices that are well-suited for attaining these standards.
BQA Code of Conduct
We received training in BQA and use it on our Beefalo cattle farm, because we have a commitment to consumers to produce the safest, highest quality, 100% Grass-fed BEEFALO in the world.
We use BQA production practices because maintaining an optimum environment for our BEEFALO to produce at their best promotes efficiency and quality at the same time. BQA training has shown us that keeping records of all our production practices is the best way for us to reduce liability, provide quality assurance to our customers, and continue to ensure a safe beef supply through strict adherence to residue avoidance practices.
BQA has taught us to think about all of our production practices in light of their effect on the quality of the final product.
BQA is a combination of technology, common sense, a concern for animal well-being, and a consumer oriented production system.
BQA Code of Cattle Care
Beef cattle producers take pride in their responsibility to provide proper care to cattle. The Code of Cattle Care lists general recommendations for care and handling of cattle.
* Provide necessary food, water and care to protect the health and well-being of animals.
Provide disease prevention practices to protect herd health, including access to veterinary care.
Provide facilities that allow safe, humane, and efficient movement and/or restraint of cattle.
Use appropriate methods to humanly euthanize terminally sick or injured livestock and dispose of them properly.
Provide personnel with training/experience to properly handle and care for cattle.
Make timely observations of cattle to ensure basic needs are being met.
Minimize stress when transporting cattle.
Keep updated on advancements and changes in the industry to make decisions based upon sound production practices and consideration for animal well-being.
Persons who willfully mistreat animals will not be tolerated.
For more information, contact Nichole Hockenberry at 1-888-4BEEFPA