The Kuhn Family Mission Statement
At The Kuhn Family Farm, we are Christians (Matthew 5:16),
committed to producing quality meat products that truly excel in organic conditions,
and developing long-term relationships with our customers that are built on honesty and integrity.
(Matthew 13:23&24)

Family photo taken in 1903
The Gentleman seated is Randy's Great, Great Grandfather Henry
Our Family Farming History began back in 1743.
Randy's Great Grandfather ( X8), Johannes - was born in Silesia (Eastern Germany) in 1684. Johannes, his wife & 3 children, left Saxony, Germany on April 20th, 1734 aboard the ship St. Andrew, mastered by Captain John Stedman. They landed in the "New World" at Philadelphia on Sept. 22nd, 1734.
Eventually Johannes and his wife settled our families first "New World" Family Farm near Society Run in Frederick Twp., Montgomery County, Pennsylvania in 1743.
Johannes died from head injuries a few years later, after falling off the back of a hay wagon.
He was our first ancestor buried at a Mennonite cemetery in "The New World".

Randy's Great (Maternal) Grandparents
PIG Farming was our families specialty for 9 generations (until the mid 1950's). Since then a lot has changed. Our Families farm location and livestock has evolved to include:
100% Grass-fed
Full-blooded BEEFALO
Pastured TAM-ROC Pig's
Brown Egg Layers
& Freedom Ranger Roaster Hen's
We Sustainably maintain 80 acres (40 owned & 40 rented),
comprised of 18 acres of rotational pasture/paddocks,
6 acres of CRP wetlands,
and Non-GMO Alfalfa, Clover and mixed grass hay on the balance acres.
In April of 2008, we started breeding DUROC Pig's.
In January of 2010 we introduced Hampshire Pig's.
In February of 2011, We added a Purebred Tamworth Boar.
This is what has created our vibrant "Belted" TAM-ROC Pig Breed.
Agriculture is the most healthful, most useful and most noble employment of man.
- George Washington

Family Photo taken on JULY 3rd, 1893
The Gentleman on the Horse Drawn Sickle-bar Mower is Randy's Great, Great Grandfather, Henry
Since 2001 our "family farm" has been based on diversity
and Organically founded ecological health & sustainability.
Back in 2001 (when we were still in Berks County, PA), we began looking into "grazing" BEEFALO,
our neighbor/farmer/mentor HARVEY MUTH (who taught Me/Randy everything I know about farming),
suggested the Northern tier of PA as a nice place for us to start our 100% Grass-fed BEEFALO farming/ranching operation. After looking at 32 farm's in Montana, Arkansas, Idaho, New York and Pennsylvania, we found, bought and settled at our current location, in Springfield twp., Bradford County, PA on July 31st, 2006. Harvey was right!! Since then we have grown to a comfortable 15 cow-calf pair "closed herd" operation.
It's beautiful country in North/East PA. And best of all, Our entire farm is gently rolling to FLAT! NO MORE Berks County Mountain side farming! There's NO slate-heads or shale either! The soils are a mix of Morris channery silt loam, Volusia channery silt loam & Chippewa silt loam with 0 - 8% slopes. Basically it's very heavy CLAY with ROCK'S! Our average annual precipitation is around 35". We average 165 Frost-Free Days. It is a perfect area however to raise Grand-kids! So far we've gotten 4, with hopefully lot's more on the way.
My Farming Father,
HARVEY J. MUTH is no longer with us,
he went to be with our Lord after 65 years on this earth.
Harvey passed away peacefully in his sleep, Saturday August 22nd, 2009.
Harvey was a life long self employed farmer on his own farm in Kempton, PA since 1976, prior to that, he farmed his parents farm in upper Macungie Township. He was an avid deer hunter and outdoorsman who loved nature and making people laugh, especially when we were putting hay in his barn while he tried to teach us silly song's in Pennsylvania Dutch.
Harvey is thought of daily on our farm because without his teaching and guidance we wouldn't be where we are today.
We love you and miss you greatly Harvey!!

We know he's smiling down on us and our animals.
We're members of the following organizations:
American BEEFALO Association
Pennsylvania PORK PRODUCERS Council
& The National PORK BOARD'S "PQA" PLUS Program