"Good Morning!!"
Here's one of our Belted TAM-ROC Gilts
enjoying one of their lush rotational pastures!
YES! They do eat GRASS
Dandelions too!
We're Certified Pork Producers
certified/educated through the National Pork Boards PQA PLUS Program.

Here's DOT and some of her 2 day old piglets
Great for 4H kids
or for future breeding stock
to raise your own herd!

All our pigs are raised OUTDOORS on PASTURE.
They WILL NOT do well if purchased from us and placed in a confinement pen to "Fatten".
when given the option, Our pigs always choose
GRASS or hay rather than bagged feed!

In the winter 8-9 pigs will have an 850/lb. round bale devoured in 1-2 weeks!!
The Tam-Roc/Hampshire cross Boar below is "TOAD"
He was our Boar July of 2013 - Oct. of 2014
this is when he weighed approx. 175/lbs.
This was TOAD on Sept. 6th, 2014
He weighed approx. 650lbs.

Even during a BLIZZARD, they love being outside!!

On a small/traditionally sized "FAMILY FARM" such as ours,
it's easy to care for all our animals and crops by avoiding the use of chemical's.
Our Pastured Pigs are supplemented with a ground Corn & ground Alfalfa Hay feed.
In the winter they consume an 800/lb. bale of alfalfa/clover/mixed grass hay about every 2 weeks.
We DO NOT give any of breeding pigs or our piglets iron shot's,
notch their ears or clip their teeth.
They don't need the iron shot's because they get the minerals they need by being out on pasture,
and their "wolf teeth" end up falling out on their own after 6-8 weeks anyway.
So why stress out the piglets and ourselves by performing unnecessary procedures
that nature takes care of NATURALLY?
Shots of any kind are simply not needed when their raised outdoors in a closed herd such as ours.

This is one of our DUROC/GermanSpot breeding Sow's
her name is "DOT"

Our Pig's have 24 hour a day access to the great outdoors.....

And when their newborns, they always have an indoor heat-source
Because for the first 4 days of life,